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Posts posted by tghowe

  1. Thanks for that great explanation.  My hope was to have the machine autologon using a domain account, then automatically reboot so the GPO settings/software can install and be ready for the end-user without any more interaction from me.  Currently after imaging, I log on and hit restart the old fashioned way.  Deploying to a single computer is no issue, but an entire lab of 30+ computers takes a little longer.

    Thanx for your help!

  2. After setting the count to "1", it will autologon into the specified user account.  When I reboot the machine again, it automatically logs on once more for a total of two autologons.  It doesn't do it a third time.

    I also cannot set it to zero, nor can I simply remove the inserted credentials without causing a pop-up "you must provide all autologon settings."


    I was hoping to combine this feature with a TASK which would reboot the machine upon first logon, using "shutdown /r".

  3. My directory is on D-drive instead of "C", and the dashboard reflects this.  I did try setting it  to "C" and back to "D", but it made no difference.  It's been happening since version 2 was initially rolled out long ago.  I think there was only one update where it didn't happen this way.

  4. Running Smartdeploy version 2.0.3000 on Server 2012 R2.

    Why do I have to manually import each PPK file after running an upgrade?  The Images and Answer Files show in the dashboard with no issues, but it seems I have to manually import each PPK file after doing every software update.  Since there is no batch import this process takes a while.  Am I the only lucky one this happens to?


  5. I didn't realize they put out a new version last week, I'm upgrading now (with their blessing).  I went thru a number of special builds with them and many changes were made.  My case isn't considered officially solved yet until I reach a certain number of clients....currently at 399.  We'll see how it goes.


    I recently upgraded SmartDeploy to version  2.0.2010, and successfully deployed the client app to most of our workstations.  Yesterday was fine, but today however I cannot keep the SmartDeploy Console running!  The error below occurs several minutes after trying to select a library (pics attached).  If I do select any of the libraries, it takes a long time for the list to populate.... if at all.

    Untitled2.png  Untitled.png


    I've tried stopping and restarting the service, as well as rebooting the server itself.  Besides the SmartDeploy update, I've also ran Windows updates this week....but nothing today.

    Server specs are:  Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter..... 16GB ram.... 432GB free space on OS drive.... 

  7. We just upgraded to version 2.0.2010 and we've been experimenting with unattended deployments.  We have several domain GPOs that load when SmartDeploy places the client on our domain, but they don't take affect until the client gets restarted.  At this point we would normally log into a client and restart it manually.

    What we'd like to do is have the client restart after all other deployment steps are completed and we're staring at the domain login prompt.  This would allow true unattended deployment without user interaction.....such as a lab environment and/or after hours.

    I've tried modifying the answer file by adding "tasks" under the "advanced options", but it did not trigger at the right time.  Any ideas on how we can make this work?


    Thanx in advance!

  8. I have two Dell Precision T3600 Workstations that I would like to re-image using SmartDeploy. I have the proper Platform Pack, and my deployment media (thumb-drive) works well on all my other computers. After booting with the thumb-drive, SmartDeploy does not see the hard drive. As far as I can tell (without pulling it out) the T3600 has SCSI drives....not SATA. I saw no obvious settings in the BIOS that would need to change either.

    What am I missing? Will SmartDeploy work with SCSI drives?


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