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Posts posted by martbasi

  1. Hi,

    For a long time when I've been making and deploying Win10/11 images, I have been pre-populating the license field with the generic KMS key, which the machines have no trouble using (though we've switched from KMS to on-prem AD activation, fwiw).

    At the same time, once the machines are placed in their destination OU, they get hybrid-joined to Entra ID (formerly Azure AD) which introduces user-based licensing from the cloud ... which I presume supersedes/overrides the previous license/activation config.

    I was pondering - do I need to make any changes in image creation or deployment config as a result of the new Azure-licensing method? Are there any new best practices in light of this? (eg, what if we ditched on-prem AD and went Azure-native?)


  2. In case it's of help to someone in future ...

    Probably someone can do this better than me, but here's the powershell code i put in a script that is baked into the captured image.

    The .ps1 is called by a batch file since I also use that to first set the Remote Execution policy to unrestricted.

    Batch file is run "Upon first boot as system", uses the script below to check if the file server is reachable. When it is, it then goes on to robocopy all the desired scripts and installers to a local path, then executes them.

    # Variables
    $RemoteBox = "myservername"
    $RemoteBoxTest = Test-Connection -Count 1 -ComputerName $RemoteBox -Quiet
    $RemoteBoxTestCount = 1
    $RetriesMax = 7
    $RetriesInterval = 10
    # Check if we're online with a Test-Connection to the server
    # If we get no replies, we'll retry  every 10sec for up to 1 minute
    While ($RemoteBoxTest -ne $true -and $RemoteBoxTestCount -lt $RetriesMax)
        Start-Sleep -Seconds $RetriesInterval
        $RemoteBoxTest = Test-Connection -Count 1 -ComputerName $RemoteBox -Quiet
    if ($RemoteBoxTest -ne $true -and $RemoteBoxTestCount -ge $RetriesMax)
        throw "$RemoteBox unreachable by attempt number $RemoteBoxTestCount"
        #Do all the things!
  3. Hi,

    I'm going to need to run a powershell script from a network share as deployment task "Upon first boot as system", ie, before first login. I'm wondering if anyone can tell me:

    Since the PC will be in the domain at this point, if I give the group "mydomain\domain computers" read/execute permissions on the network folder, would that allow the system account to run the remote script directly via UNC path? (eg, \\servername\foldername\script.ps1 )

  4. Thx for the detailed response, interesting stuff.

    I agree and certainly would not depend on this method as a means of backup (for that I'd use Veeam or similar) ... I was just curious what options might be available in a perfect-storm / comedy-of-errors disaster situation where the VM & backups of it vanished for whatever reason. Probably will never happen but still nice to know, in the back of my head.

  5. Thx.

    I added an "After image is applied" task that ran the vbs and seemed to successfully update the \Windows\Panther\unattend.xml file in the freshly imaged drive ... this is what's used by sysprep when the imaged OS boots right?

    But it didn't take, as if something reverted/overwrote it again after my process ... the computer booted up with the old, pre-task name, derived from SmartDeploy.xml.

  6. hi,

    I'm fairly new to imaging & deployment configuration, hoping someone can advise me a bit.

    How might I approach getting SmartPE to use a vbs to update SmartDeploy.xml? (//identification/custom_naming_scheme)

    In my current (MDT) environment we use an incrementing computer naming scheme of PC-xxxxx.

    Our MDT runs a vbs that:

    1. queries a SQL value (the last PC-# that was issued)

    2. updates that value to increment by +1

    3. sets the new value as OSDComputerName for LT to use

    I've modified the script so that step 3 now updates an xml file instead, but am unsure how to implement it with SD, bake it into the PE iso.
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