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chrome bookmarks when migrating user data?

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We're using SmartDeploy to facilitate our migration from Windows 7 to 10,  After creating the relevant answer files, images and deployment media I tested our planned strategy using a test laptop. - It didn't migrate the users bookmarks from Google Chrome. - Is there a way to include chrome bookmarks in the migration phase?

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after some research, It seems it's possible to change the migapp.xml to allow for the migration of chrome bookmarks via usmt. however, I don't know where to insert the relevant code to make it work via smartdeploy.

Is there a way to make the relevant changes to migapp.xml via smart deploy?

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Hi Sam,

The migapp.xml file included in the SmartDeploy migration feature cannot be modified via the wizards, but what you're asking for may be possible via scripting. Go ahead and email us any information you have on this to support@smartdeploy.com, and we can advise further. 

SmartDeploy Support

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Hi Glenn,

I was working With Allen, who managed to change the migapp.xml to make the relevant change per my research, I followed his instructions on how to update our SDE install, plugged in our license info, and recreated the Network Deployment Media. - I tested an upgrade and the chrome bookmarks migrated successfully. :) Top work!



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Hi rdwollenberger,

Go ahead and shoot us an email at support@smartdeploy.com and reference this thread. 

This is still being tested internally, but the results have been positive so far, and it's likely going to be built into a future release - happy to send it over to you for testing in the meantime. 

SmartDeploy Support

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  • 1 year later...

Hi all,

As we've received a recent inquiry about this, I wanted to drop a message here and confirm that migrating Chrome bookmarks is now built into the default USMT behavior in the product (and has been since mid-2018).

Please let us know if you have any questions or issues!

SmartDeploy Support

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