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Smart Deploy v 2.0.1030 not properly loading drivers from platform pack created Smart Deploy v1.1.2010

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I am trying to use a combined driver pack that I have built with an older version of Smart Deploy (v1.1.2010), with the latest version of Smart Deploy (v2.0.1030). The single platform pack contains 18 different models of workstations from different manufacturers. I build the offline disc images (8.5 DVD-DL media) with SD v2.0.1030, and when I image 2 different workstations with the discs, everything looks like it is loading fine. When I log in to the workstations (both are different models), there are drivers that were not loaded. I confirmed that the drivers are in the platform packs by extracting the drivers with Platform Manager, and pointing Windows 7 to those extracted drivers.

What has changed in the way drivers are loaded in v 2.0.1030 from an offline media disc? Has something changed in the commands for the WMI filtering? My offline image discs built from SD v1.1.2010 properly loads the drivers on the same workstations using the same platform pack. I tried both the Smart PE 64-bit and Smart PE 32-bit and both fail at creating image discs that will properly load all the drivers for Windows 7 (64-bit).

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The way drivers loaded is the same. Send us the following logs from the deployed machine and we can take a look what may be going on:


C:\Platform\dism.txt (May not exist if the drivers aren't loading)

Send to support @ smartdeploy.com and refer to this thread.


SmartDeploy Support

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